
2024 Apr 22

IE/Historical: Julia Sturm (Harvard)

5:00pm to 6:30pm


Boylston Hall Room 335

Title: Clouds and other weater in Indo-European: Historical linguistics, culture and the natural world

2024 Feb 10


(All day)


90 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA

Program and details

The Southern New England Workshop in Semantics (SNEWS) is an annual graduate  student conference that brings together presenters from six universities: Harvard, MIT, Brown, Yale, University of Massachusetts at Amherst and University of Connecticut.

2023 Nov 16

Mini-Lecture: Coppe van Urk (Queen Mary)

3:00pm to 5:00pm


Boylston 303 and Zoom
Title: Explaining the preference for nonconcatenative morphology in Dinka
2nd of 2 mini-lectures, with talk to follow on Friday, November 17.
2023 Nov 15

Mini-Lecture: Coppe van Urk (Queen Mary)

5:00pm to 6:30pm


Boylston 103 and Zoom
Title: Explaining the preference for nonconcatenative morphology in Dinka
First  of 2 mini-lectures, with a talk following Friday, November 17


2023 Nov 30

IE/Historical: Niels Kuehlert (Harvard)

5:00pm to 6:30pm


by Zoom and in Boylston 303 (though speaker is by Zoom)

Title: Capèsset? Understanding Morphomes and Analogy across Romance

Abstract: The concept of morphomes (Aronoff 1994), patterns of paradigmatic coherence, has predominated much of the scholarship on the Romance verbal system (e.g., Maiden 2003, 2005, etc). While originally conceived of as a synchronic phenomenon that is 'uniquely morphological', much of the evidence for the existence of morphomes comes from their diachronic persistence and analogical attractiveness. This talk explores the intersection between...

Read more about IE/Historical: Niels Kuehlert (Harvard)
