Week of February 19th

Harvard at ConSOLE

Aurore Gonzalez presented her work titled "Countability Distinctions Without Linguistic Cues" at the 2018 meeting of the Conference for Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE 2018), held at University College, London, from January 14th-16th. 

Harvard at Linguistic Evidence

Alex Klapheke presented his work titled "NPI Intervention: Cross-linguistic Judgments" (joint work with Kathryn Davidson) at Linguistic Evidence 2018, held at the University of Tübingen from February 16th-17th.

Rothstein-Dowden at Harvard Classics

Zach Rothstein-Dowden
What is Schedography?
Tuesday, February 20th | 6pm | Boylston 237 (Classics Department)


Shannon Bryant
Null Subjects in Picture Noun Phrases: Evidence from Binding
Friday, February 23rd | 12pm | Boylston 303