Week of May 28th

Harvard at XPRAG.it 2018

Chrissy Zlogar, Anna Alsop, and Kathryn Davidson will present their work titled "Description and depiction in a reference game" at the second Experimental Pragmatics in Italy conference (XPRAG.it 2018), which will take place in Pavia, Italy, from May 30th-June 1st.

Harvard at Stanford Syntax and Morphology Circle

Zuzanna Fuchs presented her work titled "Nominal syntax in Bantu languages: How far can we get with gender on n?" (joint work with Jenneke van der Wal) at a meeting of the Stanford Syntax and Morphology Circle on May 25th.



PhD graduates. Left to right: Yujing Huang, professor Jim Huang, Gašper Beguš, Pooja Paul, Laine Stranahan.


Graduating seniors. Left to right: Jerry Nelluvelil, Anna Alsop, Rachel Silverstein, Jennifer Hu.